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Featured Recipe

The Chaga Chaga Latte

The Chaga Chaga Latte is a staple Wellness Beverage at the Green Bean Coffee Co. in Chattanooga, TN. With Chaga, Rishi, and Lion’s Mane Mushrooms, paired with Cha Cha Chai and Oatmilk, this beverage is sure to please the palette and the gut.

No Matter How You Decide to Prepare Our Chai,

You’re Going to Love the Boldness and Versatility!

Submit Your Recipe

Created Any Great Recipes with Cha Cha Masala Chai?

If you have created any bomb and delicious recipes you wouldn’t mind sharing with the rest of us, send us the recipe by email! If we love it, we will post to our site, AND ship you a FREE bottle of our 16 oz. Chai, it’s simple as that!

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